5 Benefits of Fidget Blanket For Elderly and For Patients with Dementia and Alzheimer’s

fidget blanket

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Most common in people over 65 years old, dementia can cause mood swings, confusion and stress. Fidget Blanket has been shown to reduce anxiety, ease depression and improve sleep quality, many caregivers for those with Alzheimer’s rely on weighted blankets to help their loved ones rest more comfortably.

fidget blanket for elderly, Dementia, Alzheimer's

Fidget Blanket Helps Reduce Stress

Restlessness and agitation are common behaviors for those with Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia, and having something to occupy their hands can help soothe their distress.

Ease Restless Leg Syndrome

Weighted blankets deliver deep pressure to the body, and many people find this downward , firm, consistent weight and pressure  like a hug around the legs, which may help ease the pins and needles sensations of restless leg syndrome.  

Help Reduce Anxiety

It provides them something to hold onto and serves as a distraction. When you give a child a blanket, they will sometimes use it as a crutch when they are scared, nervous, or angry. This same relief, comfort, and safety that children feel from having their blanket nearby can be experienced by someone with Alzheimer’s or Dementia with their fidget quilt or blanket.

Fidget Blanket Improves Sleep Quality

Giving a patient a weighted blanket provides comfort through the naturally pleasant feeling of being held. Many have described the added weight of our blanket as the feeling of a hug. Being able to give your loved one a “hug,” even if you aren’t there physically, will help them relax and experience deeper, more restful sleep.

Stimulates their senses

It has so many textures and features to keep their  fidgety hands busy and this sensory pad has plenty of fidget elements to keep them busy and calm. It keeps their mind thinking and their hands busy.

TrendSelect Fidget Blanket

Fidget Blanket Sensory Pad with Activities for Toddlers and Elderly, Aids in Therapy of Children with Autism and Seniors with Alzheimers and Dementia


1. Shoe Lace

2. Elastic band with buttons and Zipper

3. Webbing buckle and Velcro

4. metal ring and velcro

5. Sensory material  – fur

6. Point to flip over and look under with button

7. Sewing Holes with shoelace

8. Pocket with small flat stuffed toy

9. Mystery play and pull pouch