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Roborock S5 Max

App Controlled Mopping

A 290ml electric water tank combined with app control makes it easy to tailor mopping for different floor types.

* 2.4Ghz Wi-Fi required for the app connection.


Advanced Navigation

Precision laser navigation, z-shape cleaning paths, and selective room cleaning ensure every room is thoroughly cleaned on demand.


Intense Suction

Intense 2000Pa suction, combined with automatic Carpet Boost, ensures all types of floor are well cleaned.


Virtual No-Go and No-Mop Zones

Set virtual no-go and no-mop zones around the home, no accessories required.


Selective Cleaning

Customise cleaning your home easily with Selective Room Cleaning.


Auto Top-Up

If cleaning rooms larger than the range of a single charge, it will return to dock and recharge to finish.


Comprehensive Voice Control

Take control with your voice. Clean specific rooms, change cleaning mode and more.


Multi-Level Mapping

Up to four levels can be mapped and automatically recognized to ensure efficient navigation.